God speaks to me…

One of the talents that I believe God has blessed me with is the ability to inspire and motivate others.  I love to hear people tell me about their personal, professional and spiritual goals because as they are speaking, I can often clearly see what they are saying.  I can visualize what they need to do to make their goals a reality.  It thrills me to share a plan of action with them but it is even more gratifying when they come back and tell me the plan has worked or that it is working.

Just like every other human, I have insecurities and moments of self-doubt.  One of the biggest questions that I ask myself is whether I am really helping anyone and I worry that what I am seeing and saying may not be a benefit.  I stay prayerful that I can be an asset to people and that God can use me to help others achieve success.

However, one of the challenges that I often see in others is that they are waiting for God to speak to them before they move forward with their plan.  I often hear that they want God to send them a sign that they are moving in the right direction.  How do we know when God speaks to us? Will it be a verbal communication?  Are they expecting to find a burning bush in their yard?  Many times they have no idea what this sign will look like but they wait for it.  Sometimes I am confused because if you don’t know what you are looking for then how will you know when you find it?

I have a fairly simple method of knowing when God speaks to me…

I believe God has ordained a plan for my life when I can clearly see the steps to achieving the plan whether through my own vision or through the help of someone else.  I am often approached with ideas and projects that others think will be perfect for me but when they speak, I can’t see it.  Not meaning that I don’t actually see it before me but I don’t see a path toward completion.  However, when a plan is presented and I can see the process as well as the people in my life who can help me make it a reality, I believe that it something God wants for me.

This may seem a little hokey, especially for people who don’t believe in God, but I caution those who do believe not to place so much emphasis on receiving a sign from God rather still your mind and focus on the vision.  If something is truly for you, you should have a clear vision of what it will look like, who can help you achieve it and an idea of what it will take to achieve it.  Many times we pray and ask God for a specific thing like a house, car or money rather than praising Him for what we have and seeking clarity for our future.  Often when we ask for specific things that we want, we are placing a limitation on the blessings that we could receive.

Our purpose on earth is not to build a storehouse for ourselves rather to build His kingdom.  Really? Yes… In a more general sense, when we focus on the greater good (the kingdom) rather than selfish pursuits (the storehouse), not only are we blessing those around us but we are also setting ourselves up for success.

I believe that our steps have already been ordered by God but many times we stray from the path when we begin doing what “we”  want to do rather than following the vision that He has set for us.  Have you ever noticed that you know what you should be doing with your life but because it will involve a little more work, the task of doing right instead of easy and forsaking somethings that bring temporary joy; we chose to do it “our” way?  Have you also noticed that even when you do it “your” way, you end up coming back around and doing it “His” way?

I believe that God speaks to us through visions which is why meditation and prayer are so important.  When I take the time to be still and clear my head of “my” thoughts, God speaks to me.  I have visions so clear of where I should be going and what I should be doing until it is almost scary.  When I work with my clients and encourage them to share their visions of their life or their goals, I can feel their excitement because they too can see their path to success.  As you have read in my Success Secrets, success is not something that happens overnight rather it is the result of clarity of vision, unselfish motivations and doing the hard work to reach an end goal.

When waiting for God to speak to you, make sure that you are prepared to engage in the pursuit of His plan for you.  It will not be easy because God often gives us plans that are greater than we think we can achieve because He wants more for us than we often for ourselves which is why the tasks seem so hard.  We are a chosen people divinely created to live a life of abundance but to achieve that success, we have to be willing to see His vision and do His work.

9 thoughts on “God speaks to me…

  1. Lakesha, you are dead on with this message! There have been numerous occassions when I did something my way, but later had to start over His way. You are a blessing for myself and so many others with your work.


  2. Tanisha Carter says:

    Lakeisha once again god has shown me that he has placed you at the right place and right time to help my vision come true. I’m uber excitied and blessed that you are in my life, i will continue to follow the path that he has set out for me.


  3. The blessing is having so many wonderful people to receive the message and see it manifest into positive energy in your lives. I see each of you walking in your light toward your goals and the path God has set for you and that makes me smile 🙂


    • God has not promised anyone that they will live any length of time. Our duty is to live according to His commandments while we have life. Although death is a sad occasion, it supposed to be celebrated because now your mother, if she was a Christian believer, has ascended into Heaven with her father. I know that doesn’t help because I have lost more close family members than most people have in their family but I take solace in knowing they are in heaven and at peace. My condolences to you and your family.


    • Honestly, I can’t comment on something that I don’t know about. I can only speak from my experience. Your “God” may not be an omnipotent being in Heaven rather your self-conscious that guides you and your decision making. It may just be the stillness of stopping to think before you make decisions. I am not one of those people who believes that if you aren’t a Christian, you are going to hell or damned for life but I do hope that everyone has someone or something that they believe in that is greater than themselves.


    • Honestly, I can’t comment on something that I don’t know about. I can only speak from my experience. Your “God” may not be an omnipotent being in Heaven rather your self-conscious that guides you and your decision making. It may just be the stillness of stopping to think before you make decisions. I am not one of those people who believes that if you aren’t a Christian, you are going to hell or damned for life but I do hope that everyone has someone or something that they believe in that is greater than themselves.


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