Giving back is sexy… featuring Jerry Azumah, former NFL Chicago Bear & founder of ASAP Foundation

It seems that a lot of men try to figure out what they should wear, what they should do and/or say, even how they should behave to be considered sexy in our society.  They often go from one extreme of being cool and aloof to the other, being so full of swag until there isn’t room for anyone to be around them. 

For most women, a man who is willing to give his time, talents  and resources will rank higher than any guy in designer labels, driving luxury vehicles or talking the talk without walking the walk.  A smart woman will realize that if her man does not respect those around him, it is unlikely that he will show her very much respect.  A man who gives unselfishly of himself to his community because he sees more potential in our future than hopelessness is one to be recognized. 

Jerry Azumah, Founder, ASAP Foundation

Jerry Azumah has found the secret to sexy and to success.  Not only has he retired from a successful career with the Chicago Bears but he is now showing young boys and grown men the true definition of sexy.  Many young boys dream of making it to the NFL but how many of them consider what will happen once that career ends.  Many men attain professional success but focus more on their personal accomplishments than helping to uplift their community.  Jerry uses his celebrity status to inspire others and show them that giving back is sexy.  It’s not just about what you can buy for yourself but how much you can help those around you.

Whether you are a fan of the Chicago Bears or just enjoy seeing young professionals redefine our society’s definition of sexy and successful, Jerry Azumah is a man to watch.  These days, the well-dressed Mr. Azumah can be seen on U.S. Cellular Bears Post Game Live and CTL as a studio analyst/Bears expert for Comcast SportsNet as well as donating his time to local charities and supporting various events that bring awareness to worthy causes.

I could go on and on about Jerry’s professional accomplishments, community achievements and accolades but I think you should take a few moments to check out Jerry for yourself and some of the projects that he supports…

Join me Wednesday, May 19 at the Hotel Sax in Chicago to support Jerry’s ASAP Foundation.  Azumah is hosting the 2nd Annual Chance of a Lifetime Poker Tournament and Casino Night.  I’m not a gambling girl but I know this event will be a winner. 

If you can’t make it, visit to make a donation to the ASAP Foundation and check back on Thursday for a recap of the event.