It’s a new season

One of the joys of living in the south is being able to experience all four of the seasons.  Our winters are mild compared to those of our northern neighbors but we more than make up for it with the scorching summers.  However, this is my favorite time of the year because the leaves begin to change and the air begins to cool.

As the seasons change, it often causes you to pause to reflect on some changes that can be made in your life.  I can’t believe that it was just a year ago that I began this blog and jumped head first into social networking.  I didn’t follow my own advice and took on the mantra that I could do it all.  You know the caveat to my “You Can Have It All” motto… you CAN have it all but you have to choose what all means, all should not be taken literally.

I didn’t do that.  At the time I was very involved in my local community, holding numerous offices and being a member of several organizations; I then began to blog everyday, thought I was ready for a relationship that would lead to marriage, was still running two companies, offering myself for public speaking engagements and preparing to begin a multi-state ministry.  Just looking back over the list that doesn’t even cover all of my obligations, I should have seen that I was headed for a disaster.  No one person can handle all of that responsibility in addition to being a single mother and attempting to live some semblance of a life.  Yep, I was on a collision course for disaster because one my primary triggers for an increased glucose level is stress.

By now, you may be asking yourself, “What was she thinking?”  Honestly, I wasn’t thinking.  I was so busy doing and trying to make a difference in the lives of those around me that I didn’t think about myself or what I wanted.  On a few occasions when I came up for air, I would ask, “Why am I doing all of this? What am I trying to accomplish or prove?”  Yes, it is nice for people to consider me an inspiration or to be thought of as a role model but couldn’t I attain that without doing so much?

My biggest fear was letting those around me down.  Once again, I wasn’t following my own advice.  You will never please everyone and sometimes you won’t please anyone.  Our purpose in this world should be to live a life that is pleasing to God.  Was my hyperactivity getting me any closer to heaven?  Some will argue yes because I was killing myself, literally, and fast tracking my death.  Guess what?  Life will go on with or without me but I hope to stick with it for a little while longer.

It’s a new season and I have renewed priorities.  I may not blog everyday and I’m ok with that.  I may not complete my next book by the end of the year but that’s not a big deal.  I won’t be aspiring to leadership positions in many organizations because I want to focus on my ministry.  It’s a new season and I had to make some changes.  Working from the time I wake up until I almost pass out in front of my laptop is no longer the life for me.  I’m over being stressed out because of lengthy to do lists or living outside of my passion and purpose.

When my life is over, I pray that my works will speak for the type of life I wanted to live.  I pray that I will have lived the purpose that was intended for me but I am one person and I have the same 24 hours as everyone else.  At one time, I thought that I should do as much as I could in those 24 hours but now I realize that my health is more important than wealth and my true friends understand rather than feel disappointed.  Not everyone understands the amount of self-imposed stress I was under  but I could rarely relax and almost always felt anxious about the things that I couldn’t get accomplished.

What’s next?

As I move into my new season, I will be making a few changes and while continuing to work on having it all…

  • Personally: I want to have a successful relationship; I want to devote the amount of time to make someone else feel as special as I want them to make me feel; I want to take more personal trip than for business; I want to take some cooking classes and play golf regularly
  • Professionally: I will be establishing a faith-based business consulting firm that offers business plan and marketing plan writing services as well as one-on-one consultations; my next book will probably be released around the beginning of next year when I continue my national book tour; I will continue to speak at professional, social and religious events
  • Spiritually: I am so excited about the future of my ministry and look forward to continuing to represent the young adults in my denomination and ensure we have a voice in the future of our church

There will come a time in your life for the seasons to change.  It will be a time for you to shed some leaves in order for new ones to grow.  It may get cold and dreary after a while but rest assured that spring is around the corner.  God will never to bring you to something that you don’t have the strength to make it through.  I went through so many emotions to arrive at these 1,000 words but to God be the glory because I feel like I am living with a renewed energy and focus.

It’s a new season and I am happy for the change!